We all know how important it is to practice good form when weight training in the gym, but did you know that proper running form is just as important? If your running form is anything but perfect, then you are limiting your performance. Having proper running form will allow for a stronger stride, proper breathing and reduce your risk of injury.

Why Running Form Matters

Running can be an excellent way to get in shape, burn extra calories and is the perfect way to relieve stress. In addition, running can do wonderful things for both your physical and mental health.

However, if you are doing it incorrectly, then not only are you missing out on the full benefits that running has to offer, but you are also putting yourself at risk of injury.

If you have improper form, you will be placing extra stress on your leg muscles and your joints and ligaments. Over time this can lead to injuries such as runner’s knee or hip pain.

What is Proper Running Form?

  • Maintain good posture
  • Keep your core engaged
  • Look ahead and keep your gaze straight
  • Lift your chest
  • Soften your shoulders away from your ears
  • Loosen your hands
  • Utilize a relaxed arm swing
  • Avoid hitting the ground with your heel

By having proper running form, you will be able to run more efficiently and with less effort. Additionally, you will be able to enjoy the wonderful benefits of running while avoiding injury.

Running on a Treadmill

Running on a treadmill may require a different form than you would use if you were running outside. You should still keep your shoulders back and engage your core, but it may help to lean slightly forward. It is also important to use a short stride to prevent accidently kicking the machine in front of you, leading to a potential trip and fall. Additionally, you should avoid hanging onto the rails as you run unless you are concerned with balance hanging onto the rails can cause your shoulders to round forward, causing tension in your neck and reducing the core engagement you have during your run.

Always Warm Up

Always remember to warm up before you begin your run. This should consist of about 5 minutes of light cardio, such as walking or jumping rope, followed by some dynamic stretches that will loosen the legs. The last thing that you want is to start running with cold muscles.

If you are a runner, then you owe it to yourself to practice good form! Doing so can help you enjoy all of the wonderful benefits that running offers while avoiding injury.

Contact Comprehensive Medical Care

While prevention is key, we understand that sports injuries happen. If you have been injured while running, then Comprehensive Medical Care may be able to help.

We offer a variety of services for all types of injuries, and we work hard to get our patients back in action as quickly as possible. If you have suffered an injury, whether it is from running or another activity, then contact us today for your free consultation.