Regenerative Medicine

What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine treats chronic pain by replacing, engineering, or regenerating cells and tissues to simulate the body’s own repair mechanisms. Regenerative medicine can help treat osteoarthritis, worn cartilage, degenerative nerve damage, as well as torn tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscle.


Regenerative Medicine

What It May Treat?

  • Elbow Conditions: tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, elbow osteoarthritis, UCL tears, tendon tears, arthritis.
  • Feet/Ankle Conditions: ligament tears, osteoarthritis, tendon tears, Achilles issues, arthritis
  • Spine/Neck Conditions: degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, facet injections, spondylolysis, tendon tears, arthritis
  • Shoulder Conditions: rotator cuff injuries, labrum tears, overuse injuries, tendon tears, arthritis
  • Hip Conditions: bursitis, avascular necrosis, tendon tears, hip osteoarthritis
  • Knee Conditions: torn ACL, meniscus tear, degenerative problems of the knee, tendon tears, arthritis
  • Hand Conditions: carpal tunnel syndrome, thumb arthritis, TFCC tears, tendon tears, arthritis

Types of Regenerative Medicines


Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for chronic pain and musculoskeletal injuries. Prolotherapy uses proliferation therapy to regenerate and repair damaged tissue.

How is Prolotherapy Done?

During a prolotherapy session, your healthcare provider injects the damaged ligaments with a solution that creates micro-tears. The body then repairs these tears by releasing chemicals that signal for new tissue growth and collagen development. Ultrasound or videofluoroscopy is used to provide a visual map and precisely targeted injections. These injections stimulate the body’s healing response to improve your ligament function and pain level.

What Does The Prolotherapy Solution Consist of?

The prolotherapy solution consists of dextrose (sugar water), saline, and sarapin, along with local anesthetics, such as lidocaine.

How Long Does the Prolotherapy Procedure Take?

Depending on the part of the body the procedure is taking place, prolotherapy treatments typically take about 45 minutes from start to finish.

Treatments are usually performed an average of 3 to 6 times over the course of every 4 to 6 weeks. However, some patients may only need 1 or 2 treatments. Be sure to maintain your follow-up schedule once you get started so that our medical providers can re-assess and track your progress at appropriate intervals.

Important Information Regarding Prolotherapy

Avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen prior to and after your prolotherapy session because they can affect the healing process. Also, inform our providers of all medications you are taking before treatment. Ask your medical provider for a list of medications that are deemed safe to use after the procedure.

What to Expect Following Prolotherapy

Following prolotherapy, patients can expect to feel reduced pain and improved stability. You may also notice that you are able to resume your normal activities without pain, discomfort, or other issues.

Use of Physical or Occupational Therapy

Physical/occupational therapy is recommended to help your body recover and improve function. Prehabilitation and proper recovery from the prolotherapy sessions help to restore normal tissue and movement.