Written By: James Bae, PTA

Physical Therapy Assistant

Our larger, more visible muscle groups tend to take focus during our workouts. We always find time to work in a set of squats or some deadlifts to help strengthen our glutes and quads or even just for that photo opportunity for social media. But how often do we ensure we are working other muscles like our adductors? Or the better question, how many of us know what adductors are or how they play an integral part in injury prevention?

What are your adductors and what do they do?

Your adductors are a muscle group located on the inner part of your upper leg. They function primarily to bring your leg inward toward the center of your body. Secondarily they work to stabilize your pelvis.

How does this impact my daily life?

We are bipedal creatures meaning we walk on two legs. Each time we take one foot off the ground to take a step forward, our adductors work in conjunction with other muscle groups to stabilize our hips to allow the motion to occur. Our bodies rely on these reciprocal movements for locomotion.

What can happen if I have weak adductors?

Weak or inappropriately proportioned adductors can cause a change in the mechanics of motion. This can lead to poor overall performance and increase in injuries. Take a runner for example, if someone is running in their local 5k, but their adductors do not continue to fire throughout the race, this causes a chain reaction. Their hip stability suffers, causing other muscle groups and joints to be placed under undue stress and load, leading to both acute and overuse injuries.

What exercises can I incorporate into my workout to train my adductors?

For video directions of the exercises, follow our Instagram page @ComprehensiveMedicalCare

Glute Bridges with a Ball Squeeze

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