Body Composition Analysis

Body Composition Analysis

Body Composition Analysis refers to a method of measuring the various components that make up the human body, typically focusing on fat mass, lean body mass (muscle, bones, water), and other vital elements.

Body Composition Components

● The proportion of your body weight that is fat.
● A key indicator of health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
● Ideal body fat percentage varies by age, gender, and fitness level.

● This is the weight of everything in the body excluding fat, such as muscles, bones, water, and organs.
● A higher LBM indicates more muscle mass, which is generally associated with better fitness and metabolism.

● Fat located around your internal organs, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines.
● Visceral fat is considered more dangerous than subcutaneous fat (the fat under your skin) because it can lead to serious health conditions.

● The amount of muscle mass attached to your bones.
● A higher amount of muscle mass generally contributes to better strength, mobility, and metabolism.

● Refers to the strength and density of bones.
          Low bone mineral density can indicate osteoporosis or a higher risk of fractures.
● Total Body Water (TBW)
          The amount of water in your body, which makes up about 60% of your total body weight.
          Proper hydration is essential for good health, and TBW levels are important in evaluating cellular function.

Types of Body Composition Analysis

At Comprehensive Medical Care, we have In-Body and DEXA scans available for an in-depth analysis and insight into your health and fitness than traditional weight-based metrics. Whether you are working to lose fat, gain muscle, or simply understand your body better, regularly monitoring your body composition can help you achieve and maintain your goals.

● How it Works: This method involves passing a small, safe electrical current through the body and measuring the resistance the current faces. Fat, muscle, and water conduct electricity differently, allowing the machine to estimate body composition.

● Pros: Non-invasive, quick, and easy. Often used in gyms and wellness centers.

● How it Works: A DEXA scan uses X-Ray technology to measure bone mineral density and body fat percentage. It is considered one of the most accurate methods for measuring body composition.

● Pros: Very accurate, provides detailed measurements of fat, lean mass, and bone density.